The Cost of Dying Exhibition: public, professional and political reactions to a visual exhibition depicting experiences of poverty at the end of life ...
What might it mean to change the questions we ask during clinical case conferences and to ask different kinds of questions, both in case conferences and more broadly in our clinics, care conferences ...
Among the growing number of works of graphic fiction, a number of titles dealing directly with the patient experience of illness or caring for others with an illness are to be found. Thanks in part to ...
Modern songs, films, novels and daily speech often use heart imagery to illustrate ‘inner self’ experiences, such as deeply felt emotions. Where do these ideas come from and what relevance (if any) do ...
The study presented in this article is about the role played by imagination when national and international organisations convey the idea of a dystopian crisis involved in the real transition to a ...
This paper aims to provide an initial response to Angela Woods's endeavour to ‘(re)ignite critical debates around this topic’ in her recent essay ‘The limits of narrative: provocations for the medical ...
Access to mental healthcare for migrants is a global problem, with many challenges and barriers, including the issue of language discordance. Most research on this topic comes from well-resourced ...
In Sarah Hall’s short story ‘Mrs Fox’, a man wakes to find his wife, Sophia, vomiting. When Sophia’s nausea continues, he imagines her wasting from a rare cancer; instead, she mutates into a fox and, ...
Medicine has been said to be both a science and an art. Many practitioners regard this statement as containing an element of “either/or”. A brief look at what scientists and artists have written about ...
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
Correspondence to Professor Deborah Bowman, Institute of Medical and Biomedical Education, St George's, University of London, London, UK; dbowman{at} It is a pleasure and a privilege to be ...