Pierre Poilievre needs to connect the dots on three rising things: emissions, extreme flooding all over the globe, and ...
OTTAWA – A former top bureaucrat is calling for a major structural overhaul of the federal government targeting outdated departments, bloated management, and urging reforms in key central agencies ...
About a year ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced another “Team Canada” approach to “whatever gets tossed at us” after the November U.S. presidential election. Such calls have only become ...
Graham Epstein is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Victoria and part of he Blue Carbon Canada project. His work focuses on natural climate solutions, marine conservation, ecology ...
Identifier les communautés les plus exposées aidera les gouvernements à mieux cibler leur aide pour les aider à s’adapter et prospérer. La transition énergétique mondiale sera extrêmement ...
La majorité de Canadiens hors Québec ne perçoivent plus le bilinguisme comme un idéal à défendre. Selon un sondage réalisé plus tôt cette année, seulement 35 % d’entre eux ont une perception positive ...