Subaru Telescope has been developing a wide-field multi-object spectrograph under international collaboration scheduled to start observations around 2020. Up to 2400 astronomical objects inside 1.3 ...
Suprime-Cam is an 80 megapixel, optical camera mounted at the Subaru Telescope's prime focus. Among large telescopes (6-10 m), it has the extaordinary capability not only of efficiently imaging a wide ...
This page is an explanation of the quick reduction of Subaru HDS (High Dispersion Spectrograph) data on sumda system at Subaru summit/remote observation system. Basically, this page describes the ...
For detailed information about this image slicer, please refer Tajitsu et al. 2012, PASJ, 64, 77. In order to collect more photons into a narrow slit for high spectral resolving power, the image ...
Domeflat in HSC-g 18693400 - 18695357 The flat pattern has changed from the previous run probably due to WFC lens cleaning. Domeflat in HSC-r2 18756600 - 18758557 The flat pattern has changed from the ...
The observatory of the Subaru Telescope was officially established in April 1997, following the completion of its base facility building in Hilo, Hawaii. "Subaru Telescope" can refer to the telescope ...
The Subaru Telescope was designed for long-term versatility as a major tool in observational astronomy, which focuses on the use of instruments mounted on the telescope to observe celestial objects.