Everyone knows love is the most common theme in songs, but why? I believe the answer is sex. From an evolutionary psychology perspective, this makes a lot of sense. In 1872, Darwin proposed that in ...
Celebrating its tenth birthday, the “Meatless Monday” movement has grown to more than 29 countries since its inauguration at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. This proactive movement has ...
Exams are a time for us to buckle down, attempt to get a half decent mark on our finals and hope that we don’t fail our classes just to have wasted four. But in this time of holing up in Mills, Thode, ...
Thank you for consuming my reading week. It was a pleasure being woken up every morning to spend time with you. Thank you for showing me what the sunrise looks like, but I think I prefer to get my ...
It is a well-known fact that a healthy diet can lower the risk of various types of cardiovascular disease. How far can the benefits of healthy eating go, especially for someone who already has ...