A cystoscopy (sis-TOS-kuh-pee) is a procedure that lets a urologist view the inside of the bladder and urethra in detail. It is often used to find causes of blood in the urine, incontinence, frequent ...
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are ...
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are ...
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are ...
Attention: Restrictions on use of AUA, AUAER, and UCF content in third party applications, including artificial intelligence technologies, such as large language models and generative AI. You are ...
Vaginal mesh is a net-like medical product used to treat two health conditions in women: pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI). POP is when the muscles and ligaments ...
There is a silly myth on the internet about flaxseed causing an increased risk of prostate cancer. What few people realize is in one of the largest dietary clinical trials ever done in prostate cancer ...
Urology A-Z From conditions to treatments to surgical devices and more, we've put everything you need to know about urology in one convenient place.
Did you know that this is a special time of year to get the facts on a condition known as Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)? It's been estimated that POP, and similar conditions to it, will occur in up to ...
From conditions to treatments to surgical devices and more, we've put everything you need to know about urology in one convenient place.
From conditions to treatments to surgical devices and more, we've put everything you need to know about urology in one convenient place.
From conditions to treatments to surgical devices and more, we've put everything you need to know about urology in one convenient place.