People with post-traumatic stress disorder often experience feelings of panic or extreme fear, which may resemble what was felt during the traumatic event. Διαταραχή μετατραυματικού στρες ...
Good sexual and reproductive health is central to women's ability to make choices and decisions about their lives, including when, or whether, to consider having children. Women's sexual and ...
If you are thinking about re-partnering, there are questions you can ask yourself to check whether you are emotionally ready to do so. Talking to children and young people about relationships, sex and ...
While the smoking rate in Australian Aboriginal communities is decreasing, it is still more than three times the national average. Smoking is the cause of one in five deaths in Aboriginal communities.
Pads and tampons aren’t a luxury. They are essential to health and wellbeing. Victorians should be able to access them whenever and wherever they need to. That’s why the Victorian Government is making ...
In Victoria, you can have two types of abortion: surgical and medication. Both types are safe and reliable. You can have a medication abortion up to nine weeks of pregnancy. You can have a surgical ...
The confidential, 24-hour Maternal and Child Health Line can give you information and advice about the care and health of your child (from birth to school age). When you call, qualified maternal and ...
9 health risks for boys and men and what to do about them Did you know deaths from injury and preventable diseases are more common for men than women in Australia? We’ve got some practical, expert ...
Cervical cancer can be prevented through regular screening (every 5 years). Cervical cancer screening is recommended for women or people with a cervix (25 to 74 years) who have been sexually active.
Since the ulcer gets bigger with time, early diagnosis and prompt treatment of Buruli ulcer can keep skin loss to a minimum.
Sexual Health Victoria (SHV) promotes sexual and reproductive health for Victorians. Its services focus on sexual and reproductive healthcare, education and advocacy. is available to help callers who ...
Djirra's Aboriginal Family Violence Legal Service program is dedicated to supporting Aboriginal people experiencing or recovering from family violence or sexual assault, and works with families and ...