Boscombe for bread. Then to Marawi in Westbourne to meet 'S' & 'G' at 2:30. After about 10mns wait, called 'S' as she's usually on time, or messages. They'd gone to Marawi in town! (They have 3 ...
Blipfoto is not just another photo sharing service. At its heart is a simple concept: to upload just one photo each day, add some words if you want, and by so doing build a record of your life, one ...
Mindi's human always has fresh flowers from the garden in the kitchen, lounge and my bedroom. These pretty roses are on the kitchen table. What a difference in the weather today! No sunshine ...
A lovely sunny day today albeit a bit cold. Went to Mawbray on the coast this morning to look for the Shaggy Inkcaps. I wasn't disappointed as there were lots and lots of them. I got ink on my hands ...
My goodness did the Heavens open right at the start!! or would not have gone.. The moment you want the race director to stop talking and say 3,2,1... Go.. This is n the park wonderful cafe.. Always ...
After walking to the supermarket at 7.30am, I then, after a coffee, walked to the Loch, thrilled to see and hear the beautiful Whooper swans. A cold grey and very windy day, but at least dry. A view ...
A strange Saturday morning as I usually take Libby for a walk by the river across the playing fields …but not today or in the future. I spent quite a while sorting my pots on the balcony and planting ...
Back home and house is okay…lots of palm fronds down and plant debris everywhere. The dock didn’t fare as well. Extra is driveway and stripped palm trees….wind damage is just amazing… We have ...
A full on day in the office, filing tax returns. But, if I’ve done my sums right, we should end up with a small rebate. Which would be quite nice. So I took the dogs on the evening dog walk and in the ...
After seeing local photos online last night showing the Aurora I went to Port Carlisle to see them. It was well worth going as the red was actually quite visible to the naked eye. Misty's collie ...
High & Wide A lovely morning for Millie pups walkies along the front at Severn Beach at high tide. Some extras too.
Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses, I went out to see Mary Doll today as it’s her birthday. She was absolutely delighted to see me…as it meant I could set up her new AirPods! I ...