Attorney and civil rights activist Mary Bonauto, a 2014 Bowdoin College honorary degree recipient, is among those receiving the Presidential Citizens Medal, awarded to Americans who have performed ...
We are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the Bowdoin degree. We do this by equitably managing curricular offerings, facilitating course registration, disseminating information related to ...
Bowdoin students explore the world up close, engaging their academic, cultural, and personal goals and developing skills and knowledge to make a life-long impact on the world. The Office of Off-Campus ...
A modern liberal arts education takes whatever you're passionate about—history, medicine, music, law, neuroscience, engineering, poetry, teaching, biology—and helps you understand how it will impact ...
Start planning early—ideally in January of the year in which you plan to apply. This will ensure that you have an adequate amount of time to prepare for the LSAT (ideally spending 180-200 hours or ...
Bowdoin (rhymes with explodin') is a private, selective, liberal arts college, founded and endowed to benefit the common good. Our historic residential campus, located in Brunswick, Maine, is home to ...
One of the most distinguishing features of Bowdoin is the generous enthusiasm of alumni, families, and friends. Through volunteer efforts, financial support, social engagement, and in countless other ...
Digital and computational methods and analysis are creating the ability and opportunity to address new questions and data sets, and adding new perspectives to the core questions that have always ...
“To walk through the Bowdoin campus is to walk through the history of American architecture. The student, who President Hyde hoped would learn ‘to count art an intimate friend,’ lives daily with that ...