De 1989 a junio de 2024, el 73 por ciento de las personas enjuiciadas con casos autorizados para recibir una pena capital a nivel federal y el 60 por ciento de las personas con sentencias a muerte ...
The drop-off in participation by Black men under 50 highlights how elections increasingly reflect white voices over voices of ...
New population estimates from the Census Bureau suggest sharp gains and losses that could reshape the country’s politics ...
As the incoming administration contemplates rolling back federal election security support, states will need to step in and ...
Online political advertising surged in the weeks before the election, driven by candidates’ appeals to voters and national ...
A former federal judge discusses how term limits for Supreme Court justices would afford them the same status and ...
Estados Unidos tiene menos del 5% de la población mundial y, sin embargo, cuenta con casi el 25% de todos los presos. La encarcelación masiva tiene consecuencias devastadoras—raciales, económicas y ...
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