Seduction in the supermarket does not always leave the customer with “that lovin’ feeling.” While walking the aisles of a local store with a large grocery section, I saw a sign above a freezer case, ...
What are you doing with the 2,000 hours per year that you used to work? This is the question I often work into a conversation with a retired person. Sure wouldnt ...
Today, snow days are declared whenever an approaching storm promises to make roads hazardous. Student safety is paramount. Winter outerwear is no longer bulky and unbecoming and the once strict dress ...
When the battle of the sexes is waged in the hen house. the fate of the rooster is nothing to crow about. While most backyard chicken owners are excited to have hens, “roos” are seldom as welcome.
I’ve been writing this column for the County Weekly News since January of 2012. That’s 13 years and almost 700 columns. It’s a gift to be able to share with you my thoughts and knowledge about aging ...
Discovery and purchase of a unique vintage-style lamp at County Traders has given a new spin on shedding light in my home. It has also brought back memories. In recalling lamps from childhood days on ...
The Bloomfield Branch Library has been a hub of activity lately. In December and January the Friends of the Library organized two events hosted by Janice Duffy of Serendipity Yoga, all about crystal ...