The Robot Perception and Learning Lab launched DexMimicGen, a new data generation system to improve training for humanoid robots. It builds on the lab’s earlier system, MimicGen, to predict humanoid ...
I am an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Department of Computer Science and a Research Fellow in the Science of High Performance Computing Group at the Oden Institute of Computational ...
Our students and faculty are changing the world through their contributions to computing education, research, and industry. These awards received by members of the UT Computer Science community make ...
The advent of architectures with multi-level memories, including caches, shared memories, and distributed memories, has forced a re-evaluation of how linear algebra libraries are developed.
It is a misnomer. As Edsger Dijkstra used to say "Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes". Computer Science is closely related to mathematics. It is the study ...
My research focuses on biologically-inspired computation such as neural networks and evolutionary computation. On one hand, the goal is to understand biological information processing, and on the ...
Sumaya M Al-Bedaiwi, [email protected], Office hours: Mon 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM, Wed 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM in the GDC Basement.
We propose a new declarative semantics for logic programs with negation. Its formulation is quite simple; at the same time, it is more general than the iterated fixed point semantics for stratified ...
The Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) program is designed for students who have completed a bachelor's degree in computer science and want to further their studies. Admission to the program ...
In Lecture 7 we saw how the simply typed lambda calculus (STLC), and type systems in general, can be powerful tools for guaranteeing safety properties about programs. Robin Milner tells us that "well ...