Believe it or not, the Word of the Year (sometimes abbreviated WOTY) is a common practice for a lot of people. Two of the most trusted word originators (Oxford University ...
There are more people experiencing homelessness in the United States for the first time from 2019- 2023. In fact, the number of people seeking shelter is up by 23%, according ...
In the United States, women and girls are not legally guaranteed equal rights under the U.S. Constitution. This lack of gender rights obstructs fights against unequal pay, workplace harassment, pregna ...
Galena, IL (61036) Today Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Low 9F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Low 9F.
With the rise of homelessness in the world, it has caused me to rethink things in my own life. I am excited to celebrate the New Year, but I’m also ...
Recently a client brought us an old sword. The condition of the item was less than ideal with parts missing and showing some damage on the finish. We determined that ...