Le saviez-vous? Depuis janvier 2024, le Canada est partie à la Convention Apostille, ce qui facilite et accélère la reconnaissance des documents canadiens dans plus de 120 pays. Au lieu d’une ...
Did you know that since January 2024, Canada has been part of the Apostille Convention, making it easier and faster to get your documents recognized in over 120 countries? Instead of dealing with ...
This funding opportunity is part of our Department-Initiated – Multiple Invitations (DIMI) pilot project. Only organizations invited by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) are eligible to apply. contribute to ...
A Embaixada do Canadá no Brasil tem a satisfação de lançar seu convite anual para apresentação de propostas para o Fundo do Canadá para Iniciativas Locais (Fundo Canadá). Descrição do Programa O Fundo ...
The Embassy of Canada in Brazil is pleased to launch its annual call for proposals for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI). The CFLI is a program designed to support small-scale, high-impact ...
The illegal drug trade, human smuggling, money laundering and other activities of international organized crime.
This page includes questions and answers about the Call for proposals - Skills development and Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) fund. The deadline for submitting questions for ...
Process to adopt a child internationally and bring them back to Canada.
Le Bureau du Protocole contribue à modeler le programme international en fonction des bénéfices et des avantages du Canada, conformément aux valeurs et aux intérêts du pays, en sol canadien comme à ...
Canada and Albania have agreed to begin negotiations towards a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA). The parties have pledged to work together to conclude an agreement in a ...
Services aux Canadiens qui étudient ou travaillent aux États-Unis (ÉU), qui y font des affaires ou du tourisme. Inclut également de l’information pour les personnes qui souhaitent venir au Canada.