The adult animated DC Comics series written and produced by James Gunn follows Frankenstein (voiced by David Harbour), the Bride of Frankenstein (voiced by Indira Varma), Doctor Phosphorous (voiced by ...
Like every one of her previous studio albums, CC reached #1 on the Billboard 200 album chart, while its Metascore is second only to that of Lemonade. But while it led all 2024 releases with 11 Grammy ...
The following recently added movies and TV shows received a Metascore of 61 or higher (or are titles of interest that do not have a Metascore). Mediocre and poorly reviewed releases are omitted; this ...
Mexico City, 1921. The country is wrapped in the recent consequences of years of conflict and revolution. Álvaro Obregón, leader of the revolution, is now at the head of a country with a brand new ...