In 1985, a peasant named Zeng Yinglong declared his hometown in Sichuan Province an independent kingdom and proclaimed himself emperor. As a result, Zeng was charged with multiple counterrevolutionary ...
of Sedona, Arizona, with a blank book for poems. Didn't we emerge from the same prehistoric egg amid sparks of jet & obsidian embedded in the hills of Montmartre? "Only Negroes can excite Paris." ...
In his photographic sequences, Duane Michals has expanded the possibilities of his medium. While most photo- graphs deal with static appearances, Michals' depend on trans- formations and ...
And wylde for to hold, though I seme tame. W.S. MERWIN: I think this is probably the greatest sonnet Wyatt wrote, and I think it's one of the greatest sonnets in English. I've known it for so many ...
The last time I was in Siena there was an earthquake. The first time I was nineteen. My boyfriend, who had already graduated from college, had been in Italy most of the year, in Perugia. The plan was ...