Altijd al benieuwd naar wat de apotheek doet en wat er gebeurt nadat een dierenarts een recept uitschrijft? In dit filmpje van de Apotheek faculteit Diergeneeskunde, wordt u meegenomen langs alle ...
Equestrian sports are popular and have benefits to human health, however concerns about equine welfare have surfaced. This thesis describes methods to improve both performance and welfare of horses.
In fact, it’s not only employees at the Municipality of Utrecht who can use the search engine, says Schoegje. “Residents of Utrecht can also use the search engine to create a collection of relevant ...
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC; chemotherapy administered before surgery) is increasingly used in the treatment of non-metastatic breast cancer. However, a significant proportion of patients’ tumors ...
Gertjan Plets leads the new international project Colonial Legacies of Universities: Materialities and New Collaborations, which examines the colonial heritage of universities.
Gertjan Plets leidt het nieuwe internationale project Colonial Legacies of Universities: Materialities and New Collaborations, dat koloniaal universitair erfgoed onderzoekt.
The Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE) focuses on the relationship between regulation and enforcement at the interplay of national, European and other levels of ...
The Faculty of Medicine of Utrecht University and the UMC Utrecht work together in the field of medical education, biomedical education and research. The various tasks are carried out in the UMC ...
While volcanism caused a temporary cold period, the effects had already worn off thousands of years before the meteorite wiping out the dinosaurs impacted.
Vulkaanuitbarstingen veroorzaakten een forse afkoeling van de aarde, maar het klimaat was al hersteld toen de meteoriet die de dino's deed uitsterven, insloeg.