Craft workshop as part of the exhibition "Sweating & Freezing". The exhibition "Sweating & Freezing" for children aged 2 to 12 offers a diverse journey of discovery on topics such as health promotion, ...
With the spiral-shaped stage untitled 2024 (demo station no. 8), offering space for daily public performances, the atrium of the Gropius Bau becomes a place where people can come together and spend ...
Mit der spiralförmigen Bühne untitled 2024 (demo station no. 8), die täglich Raum für öffentliche Vorführungen bietet, wird der Lichthof des Gropius Bau zu einem Ort, an dem Menschen zusammenkommen ...
The small Kreuzberg family is struggling. And then a black man from the Congo suddenly appears in the living room. Unexpected twists and turns, unexpected revelations. The cell phone is a black box.
In vier Wettbewerben für sieben Standorte im Humboldt Forum waren z.B. Künstler*innen dazu aufgefordert, sich in ihren Beiträgen mit der Geschichte des Ortes, seiner zukünftigen Nutzung als ...
Already 2,000 years ago, the emperors of China had portraits of loyal officials and generals made in order to display them in their palaces. This presentation features depictions of meritorious ...
Students from different disciplines invite you to rediscover Max Ernst and to exchange ideas with the audience about his art in the context of surrealist photography.
Der 90-minütige Rundgang vermittelt den Besuchern alle Informationen zur politischen Haft und Verfolgung während der sowjetischen Besatzung und der DDR. 44 Jahre politische Verfolgung: In der ...
Humboldt-Universität has a rich collection of valuable art treasures. The collection also contains many works from the GDR ...
The absolute highlight of the evening are the Wiesn Playboys – the party band heats up the atmosphere from 8 p.m. and ensures ...
November in Berlin is anything but grey. This is where the international science, gourmet and film scene meets this month. Listen to imaginative fairy tales, celebrate an extraordinary festival of ...
The expert discussion provides impetus for an ethically appropriate treatment of people on the border between life and death ...