【Stellantis将出售位于美国亚利桑那州的测试设施】财联社10月18日电,欧洲车企Stellantis将出售位于美国亚利桑那州的测试设施,这是该公司削减成本的尝试之一。由于财务业绩不佳、裁员和整体业务决策,该公司CEO Carlos ...
NEQSOL Holding是一家全球性投资集团,总部位于阿姆斯特丹、巴库和基辅,管理着遍布11个国家的多元化业务。集团目前正在收购全球最大的钛矿石原材料生产商之一United Mining and Chemical Company JSC ...
(法新社纽约联合国总部17日电) 联合国开发计画署(United Nations Development Programme, UNDP)今天发布一份报告指出,全球有超过10亿人正处于严重贫穷状态,其中超过一半是儿童。
SANTO DOMINGO, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) — Huang Xiaowei, secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and first member of the ...
United Therapeutics Corporation (UTHR)股价达到了前所未有的高峰,创下366.23美元的历史新高。这一里程碑标志着这家生物技术公司强劲增长的时期,过去一年其股价已上涨54.22%。投资者对United ...
BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) — Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin met with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director Catherine Russell in Beijing on Monday.
10月12日, 圣路易斯SLEO Chess Club举办的Women & Girls 活动,在国际象棋特级大师GM Jeffery Xiong的鼎力支持下,顺利拉开帷幕。 活动由SLEO Chess Club 负责人Clayton高中棋手Vera宣布开始,并由John Burroughs 高中棋手Sophie向来宾介绍 GM Jeffery Xiong。随即GM ...
Specialized intelligence firm Avobook’s trend report for week 41 exhibited a radical change in the distribution of the ...
BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- The so-called Quad mechanism has become a sheer political tool for the United States to contain China and maintain its hegemony, a Chinese military spokesperson said on ...
Digital transformation activities have ramped up among manufacturers, expedited by the growing demand for Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ ML) solutions, the proliferation of smart IoT ...
国防部:美日印澳“四边机制”已沦为美遏华维霸的政治工具The MND: Quad has Become a Political Tool for the United States to Contain China and Maintain Its ...