(张天麟)亚冬将至,哈尔滨市公安局南岗分局聚焦亚冬安保实际需求,组建亚冬外语服务队,以“STA”工作法全面强化涉外警务处置能力,确保以最周密措施、最优质服务迎接八方来客,彰显南岗公安的“国际范儿” ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
那水呢,不但不结冰,倒反在绿萍上冒着点热气,水藻真绿,把终年贮蓄的绿色全拿出来了。天儿越晴,水藻越绿,就凭这些绿的精神,水也不忍得冻上,况且那些长枝的垂柳还要在水里照个影儿呢!看吧,由澄清的河水慢慢往上看吧,空中,半空中,天上,自上而下全是那么清亮, ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
墨尔本一家美妆产品店因“高压销售”策略而遭到投诉,并已关门。在SBS《现场说法》听众热线节目中,朗伦律师事务所Lawren Legal主任律师张卓轩和听友们聊了聊应对高压销售的话题。 高压销售的基本特征是什么?